soal dan pembahasan soal dicussion text

Family Planning
Soal Ujian Nasional (UN) 2012/2013

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Most people agree that the family planning programme is desirable for the good of family and society. But individuals and religious groups differ sharply on the methods of birth control that they consider moral and acceptable.

Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give each as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctor to avoid pregnancy for health reasons. In many countries with rapidly growing populations, the government encourages couples to limit the number of their families.

Even thought birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is continuous. Some people fear that birth control encourages sexual outside marriage or that government might impose birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds.

Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because they separate the purposes of intercourse in marriage-conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning to be acceptable.

1. Some religious groups refuse to use … birth control because of moral values.
A. home-made
B. man-made
C. natural
D. original
E. high quality

2. Paragraph two tells us about …
A. the government’s encouragement for happy family.
B. the reasons why a woman avoids to have baby.
C. the reasons why couples do birth control.
D. the postponement to having children.
E. the small and big families.

3. We learn from the text that …
A. all couple want to limit their children.
B. most couples want to postpone giving birth.
C. people space children to give them less attention.
D. not everybody agrees with the birth control methods.
E. women avoid being pregnant because of economic problems.

Kebanyakan orang setuju bahwa program keluarga berencana yang diinginkan untuk kebaikan keluarga dan masyarakat. Tetapi individu dan kelompok agama berbeda tajam pada metode pengendalian kelahiran yang mereka anggap moral dan diterima.

Pasangan yang berlatih kontrol kelahiran melakukannya karena berbagai alasan. Mereka mungkin ingin membatasi atau ruang anak-anak mereka, atau tidak memiliki anak sama sekali. pasangan muda sering menunda memiliki anak sehingga kedua pasangan dapat bekerja penuh waktu. pasangan lain ruang anak-anak mereka sehingga mereka dapat memberikan setiap perhatian sebanyak mungkin. Beberapa wanita disarankan oleh dokter mereka untuk menghindari kehamilan karena alasan kesehatan. Di banyak negara dengan populasi yang berkembang pesat, pemerintah mendorong pasangan untuk membatasi jumlah keluarga mereka.

KB bahkan berpikir telah mendapatkan penerimaan, bertentangan dengan praktek yang terus menerus. Beberapa orang takut bahwa pengendalian kelahiran mendorong pernikahan di luar seksual atau bahwa pemerintah akan memberlakukan pembatasan kelahiran. Beberapa kelompok agama menentang KB atas dasar moral.

Beberapa kelompok agama mengajarkan bahwa metode buatan pengendalian kelahiran yang tidak bermoral karena mereka memisahkan tujuan dari hubungan cinta pernikahan-suami-istri dan prokreasi anak-anak. Meskipun mereka menentang semua kontrasepsi buatan, mereka menganggap keluarga berencana alami untuk dapat diterima.


            The government has just published a report which suggest that television is partly responsible for the serious increase in crime over the last ten years. The exposure of violence or pornography harmfully effects on children.
Many people who are alive today know what it is like to live in a world without television. Television as we know is only about forty years old. Yet it is so much a part of our lives that it seems as if it had always existed.
            Some people think that the years before the invention of television were a better time. They claim that families talked more and did more things together. More books were read. People used their imaginations more fully. People got more outdoor exercises.
But others disagree. They claim that television is a powerful educational tool. It informs us of what is going on in the world, from a famine in Africa to a local politics and fashion. It helps us understand how people live, work, and struggle.  
In 1961, Newton Minow, a government official, called prime-time schedules “ a vast wasteland ”. Television is credited with being a great teacher, but it is also blamed for the poor reading and writing skills of our population. Television gets praised for helping us understand the people of the world. But it has been accused of helping to destroy family life. Television keeps us informed about the political issues of the day. 
            Experts will probably continue to argue about television’s value. But everyone agrees that it is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century.

1. The writer wants to tell …..
a. the development of television
b. the advantages of television program
c. how television destroys people’s life
d. how television improves people’s knowledge
e. the influence of television on people’s daily life

2. Many people claim that television is a powerful educational tool. From this statement we know that they ….. with the existence of television.
a. love
b. agree
c. prefer
d. satisfy
e. choose

3. Which of the following is good for children in watching TV?
a. The children should watch the violence on TV
b. Children may watch TV whenever they like
c. There shouldn’t be government censorship of TV program
d. Children should spend all their time to watch TV program
e. Children should be accompanied by their parents in watching TV

4. “ ….. what is going on in the world, from famine in Africa …”
(Paragraph 4) The underlined word means lack of ….
a. food
b. water
c. nutrient
d. education
e. entertainment

5. what did you do whit waching TV ? except.
a. get information
b. to understand how people live
c. to understand how people struggle
d. get money much
e. knowing the political issues of the day

Pemerintah baru saja menerbitkan sebuah laporan yang menunjukkan bahwa televisi adalah sebagian bertanggung jawab untuk peningkatan serius dalam kejahatan selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Paparan kekerasan atau pornografi apakan efek pada anak-anak.
Banyak orang yang hidup hari ini tahu apa rasanya hidup di dunia tanpa televisi. Televisi seperti yang kita tahu adalah hanya sekitar empat puluh tahun. Namun begitu banyak bagian dari kehidupan kita yang tampaknya seolah-olah itu selalu ada.
            Beberapa orang berpikir bahwa tahun sebelum penemuan televisi adalah waktu yang lebih baik. Mereka mengklaim bahwa keluarga berbicara lebih dan melakukan lebih banyak hal bersama-sama. buku lebih yang dibaca. Orang menggunakan imajinasi mereka lebih lengkap. Orang mendapat latihan yang lebih luar.
Tetapi yang lain tidak setuju. Mereka mengklaim bahwa televisi merupakan alat pendidikan yang kuat. Ini memberitahu kita tentang apa yang terjadi di dunia, dari kelaparan di Afrika dengan politik lokal dan fashion. Ini membantu kita memahami bagaimana orang hidup, bekerja, dan perjuangan.
Pada tahun 1961, Newton Minow, seorang pejabat pemerintah, yang disebut jadwal prime-time "gurun yang luas". Televisi dikreditkan dengan menjadi guru besar, tetapi juga disalahkan untuk orang miskin keterampilan membaca dan menulis dari populasi kita. Televisi akan dipuji karena membantu kita memahami orang-orang dari dunia. Tetapi telah dituduh membantu menghancurkan kehidupan keluarga. Televisi membuat kita informasi tentang isu-isu politik hari.
            Para ahli mungkin akan terus berdebat tentang nilai televisi. Tapi semua orang setuju bahwa itu adalah salah satu penemuan paling signifikan abad kedua puluh.


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